

Charlesbot currently uses the python-slackclient library to handle the underlying websocket communication. I am not entirely a fan of this library and I intend on replacing it with a native asyncio solution.

Plugin Architecture

The plugin architecture for this project has come a long way since the first few iterations. It is designed such that plugins can be dropped in place without having to modify the core code-base.

This is what the current architecture looks like.

The “queue + worker” system of delivering messages to each plugin is an experiment in how much this design will scale, before it starts hogging resources and being generally slow. We’ll see how it goes!

Configuration Management

One thing that I would like to axe eventually is the way configuration is read/written to. I am not a fan of supplying config files on the command line.

Another alterative to supplying config files on the command line is the “everything gets configured through environment variables” (12 factor-ish) approach. I feel like this approach is taking it to the other extreme and there must be a middle ground somewhere.

I feel like relying on an operator to supply a slew of environment variables on the command line can get unwieldy fast! (imagine a chain of 50+ -e "VAR=foo" docker arguments!)

I am hoping to explore an architecture where the basic amount of information needed to get going is read from environment variables, and the rest are read from a key-value store of sorts. This would allow for things such as post-launch configuration and this approach scales nicely if/when Charlesbot is restarted as users would not need to go in and reconfigure their plugin-specific settings.