GitHub Social Authentication with Ember Simple Auth and Torii

Mar 21, 2016 using tags emberjs, ember-simple-auth

I ran into a bunch of issues yesterday trying to get an Ember app to authenticate against GitHub using Ember Simple Auth and Torii. After a bunch of troubleshooting and research, the root cause appeared to be the sessionDataUpdated event firing due to torii also using localStorage, which resulted in being immediately logged out (after logging in).

This GitHub issue and the folks participating in it were very helpful in diagnosing what was going on!

Some Workarounds I Tried:

I tried using the torii library directly following the instructions on the readme and this worked for the most part! Unfortunately this added a bunch more boilerplate than I really wanted to deal with (dealing with localStorage, session management, etc)

I also tried downgrading Ember Simple Auth to 1.0.1, but this seemed to cause unrelated issues and at this point I was losing a bit of patience

What worked for me!

Basically, using a combination of the newest ember-simple-auth and torii seemed to do the trick. I’m going to detail exactly how to get this working so hopefully this becomes easier for the next person.

End-to-end EmberJS Github Authentication Example

(Do feel free to skip over the parts you’re already familiar with)

Here is what you will need:

Let’s start off by creating a basic ember app. We’ll use this app to demonstrate logging in and out using the GitHub OAuth flow.

mkdir test-app
cd test-app
ember init --name test-app

This gets you all the basic ember boilerplate. In addition to this, we’ll also need to install Ember Simple Auth and Torii:

ember install torii@0.8.0-beta.1
ember install git+

(Note that this example is using the fix-async_stores branch of rmachielse/ember-simple-auth to temporarily work around this issue)

Add the torii environment dict to config/environment.js. Make sure that the redirectUri here matches exactly what you enter in the Authorization callback URL field in your GitHub OAuth application or you will have a bad day.

ENV['torii'] = {
  sessionServiceName: 'session',
  providers: {
    'github-oauth2': {
      apiKey: 'GitHub Client ID',
      scope: 'user',
      redirectUri: 'GitHub Authorization callback URL'

With that in place, generate all the ember application-related stubs:

ember g route application
ember g controller application
ember g authenticator torii

Update app/templates/application.hbs to display the contextual login or logout link:

<h1>Welcome to Ember</h1>

{{#if session.isAuthenticated}}
    <li>Provider: {{}}</li>
    <li>GitHub token: {{}}</li>
  <button {{action 'logout'}}>logout</button>
  <button {{action 'login'}}>login</button>


Add the ApplicationRouteMixin to app/routes/application.js:

import Ember from 'ember';
import ApplicationRouteMixin from 'ember-simple-auth/mixins/application-route-mixin';

export default Ember.Route.extend(ApplicationRouteMixin, {});

Add the login and logout actions to the application controller (app/controllers/application.js):

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  session: Ember.inject.service('session'),
  actions: {
    logout() {
    login() {
      this.get('session').authenticate('authenticator:torii', 'github');

Inject the torii service into the authenticator (app/authenticators/torii.js):

import Ember from 'ember';
import ToriiAuthenticator from 'ember-simple-auth/authenticators/torii';

export default ToriiAuthenticator.extend({
  torii: Ember.inject.service()

Finally, add the torii provider (app/torii-providers/github.js):

import GithubOauth2Provider from 'torii/providers/github-oauth2';

export default GithubOauth2Provider.extend({
  fetch(data) {
    return data;

This last part is the magic that allows your authorizationCode to persist between session refreshes! (was another source of yaks for me)

And that’s it! Run ember server in your terminal and head over to http://localhost:4200. You’ll notice logging in and out of your app using GitHub works as expected!