If you, like me, use Google Analytics and are annoyed at the extra clicks it
takes to change the date range to today
, this little tip might make your life
slightly easier!
I have Analytics accounts for multiple websites and changing the date range on each of them to today
can understandably get tedious. For a high-level overview, I’m a fan of the Behavior -> Overview
report. My URL for that report is:
Note that a70495014w107707250p112201163
here, as far as I am aware, is unique
to me. Yours will be different. I’ll refer to this value as the
When you change the date range to today
, you will notice that it appends a
form of today’s date to the URL. Something like:
Since there is no other way of bookmarking the ‘today’ view, this feels like a
good candidate to turn into a bookmarklet. Create a bookmarklet
in your browser with the following contents, replacing report-property-id
with your unique value:
javascript:(function(){function d(a){a=String(a);a.length<2&&(a="0"+a);return a}var c=new Date,b="";b+=c.getFullYear();b+=d(c.getMonth()+1);b+=d(c.getDate());location.href="https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/#report/content-overview/<report-property-id>/?_u.date00="+b+"&_u.date01="+b})();
And that’s it. You should now be able to jump to the Behavior -> Overview ->
view whenever you click on the bookmarklet! You can use this technique
to turn any Google Analytics report/view into a today